Friday, April 2, 2010

Yo' Mama ! =) #3

1. The five main states of matter are Solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, and Bose-Einstein.
2. Energy is needed to change gas into plasma.
3. The temperatures are 0. (Kelvin) , -273.15 ( Degree Celsius), and -459.67 ( Degree Farenheit)
4.  The temperature in space is 3(Kelvin).
5. What do you think plasma would like look/smell/feel/taste? How about Bose-Einstein Condensates? Do some research on other sites, but ultimately come up with your own unique answer :) I think plasma would look like gas , they probably would not have a smell, it would be way too hot to touch, and it would also be very dangerous to eat/taste it. I think Bose-Einstein Condensates would look like a cold solid ice cube, it probably would not have any type of distinct smell, and would maybe be cold enough to give you frost bite, and it also would be wat too cold to touch. OUCH ! !

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